Based on my belief in the power of the mind, I sought the help of Marc St. Camille to help me prepare for the birth of my first child, through hypnosis. I had no idea what to expect as far as the hypnosis process, and when I arrived, I felt a little nervous and a bit guarded. But this feeling soon left, as I sat down and spoke with Marc. Marc was very thorough in his questioning. He wanted to be sure he had all the necessary information and any important details to combine with what he had already learned about me from our phone conversation. We also spoke about meditation, and then focused for a few minutes on breathing. Now fully relaxed, we began the session, and on the spot, Marc spoke words that were tailored just for me. I was very happy with how the session went.
Marc made sure to find out that I best received information visually. So needless to say, my session was filled with guided imagery that would later help my soon-to-be-born daughter and me through 10 hours of active labor.
When that day came, it was far from painless. The fetal monitor read out the intensity of my contractions in two ways, graphically and numerically. We were able to see the intensity in high peaks and numbers that reached 150 and above. I listened to the CD of my session with Marc to help in my self-hypnosis while I was in labor. My husband was baffled at the fact that, at times, I showed no indication of pain, as the monitor displayed high peaks and numbers, indicating intense contractions, sometimes one on top of another. I experienced many of these contractions only as a mild sensation.
I feel that the hypnosis and mental preparations helped me to make it through labor and the delivery of my child, drug-free, allowing my child and me to be fully present, coherent, and safe. Others who were present, commented on what they saw. After delivering my baby girl, my midwife told me that she had never seen a woman as composed as I was.
I had set out a goal, which was to birth naturally, no drugs, no interventions, if possible, so as to make the first moments of my daughters life outside the womb safe, clear, real. I began developing my plan early on in my pregnancy by attending natural childbirth classes which informed and prepared me for what was to come. I practiced meditation for relaxation and focus. But I knew none of this would lessen the pain – only help me to deal with it. So finally, I came to Marc to solidify my preparation and to ensure the experience that I had hoped for. What I took from him, not only added strength to what I had already done to prepare, but at times removed me from pain altogether. Giving birth to my daughter was the most important experience of my life, and physically, the most difficult. Marc St. Camille shared largely in my preparation for this day, and in creating the peaceful atmosphere in which my daughter came into this world. I have much respect for him, and highly recommend him, for it is obvious to me that he has a true gift to help others.